Jakaranda Yoga
'Catch the Bliss'
What is Jakaranda Yoga?
It's a collection of all things soulful and silly… There are curious classes, wonderful workshops full of wonders, there are adventure retreats in exotic faraway lands, glorious open-air gatherings, ‘The Big Pause’ Mini Meditation Programme and festivals full of MoonCows and magic!”
Whoever you are you, are welcome exactly AS you are. You do not need to be fit, you do not need to bend like a pretzel, and you do not need to look like the Buddha (although if all of the above apply, we will not turn you away. Athletic, pretzel-like happy buddhas are our favourite!). If yoga isn’t just exercise (which it isn’t), but a lifestyle and a way of being (which it is)… then we believe that that way of being needs laughter in it!
Come along and join our quirky family of fun, and you will skip away with a happy heart!
We collaborate with creative, leading practitioners, to deliver the most exquisite array of experiences you have ever stumbled upon. It’s no coincidence that you found us. Welcome home to your soul tribe, and to this incredible new chapter of discovering how to catch the bliss!